Wednesday, July 30, 2014

ATtiny85 DIY littleBit

Introducing the ATtiny85 DIY littleBit and the "counter bit".

I programmed the ATtiny85 chip using MIT's Hi Low Tech post.  I plan to figure out how to program it with the Arduino bit, which is a Leonardo, and I'll post that project on the littleBits page.  I currently use the ATtiny85 with one input and four outputs, all in littleBits style (VCC, Signal, GND).  Here is a clip showing a program that blinks led's in sequence at the touch of a button:
Today, partly in response to a dreamBit request by a user on the littleBits website, I coded the ATtiny85 to count inputs in binary with 3 led's up to the number 5.  I could have counted up to 7, but I like the number 5.  When the counter reaches 5, it sends an output to the fourth output for a couple seconds.  I used a buzzer to demonstrate. 
Here is a clip of the counter bit:

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